The mission of Historic St. Mary's City is supported through volunteers, members and donations.
Become a Member
Historians at Historic St. Mary’s City use primary source documents, often legal reco Membership fees directly support museum education, research and building programs. Members have satisfaction in the knowledge that their contribution helps sustain the museum, and also enjoy special privileges such as invitations to members only events, discounts, and our insiders’ newsletter.rds as the average citizen in the colony could not read or write, and eyewitness accounts from observers of events.
Donations enable Historic St. Mary’s City to continue to fund the many education, research, and building programs and offer community activities here at the site of Maryland’s first capital.
Our donor program allows you to give directly to a program you feel a personal connection towards or to support the general activities of the museum.
Street Address
Historic St. Mary's City
P.O. Box 39
St. Mary's City, MD 20686
Phone Number
Trail System at
Historic St. Mary’s City.
We invite you to walk and experience the beauty and history of Historic St. Mary's City
HSMC is situated on 800 acres of tidewater land which was the site of Maryland’s first capital. Here you will find more than 5 miles of trails ranging in difficultly from easy to moderate.
The trails are a combination of wooded paths and paved walkways guiding you through Historic St. Mary’s as well as the St. Mary’s College of Maryland campus.
When on the paved paths that guide you through HSMC Town Center, visitors are required to have an admission ticket (may be purchased either at the Visitor’s Center or The Shop at Farthing’s Ordinary).
Trails at Historic St. Mary's City
Eagles Way Trail
Trail through the woods, off of Hogaboom Nature Trail, easy
Hogaboom Nature Trail
Trail through the woods around HSMC, moderate
Path to St. John's Site
Trail to walk from HSMC Town Center to St. John's Site located on St. Mary's College Campus
Daffodil Gulch Trail
Trail to beach with great views of daffodils in spring, easy
Key Swamp Trail
Trail through woods from Visitor's Center to Town Center, easy
HSMC Museum Trail Path
Paved path through outdoor museum exhibits and buildings